a simple click turns

Ideas to Business

Debate ideas, start business, hire talents.

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Dream Playground

From idea generation, business creation, to establish operation, we got you covered!

Debate Ideas

Save private ideas or share them with community.

Create Business

Create company from idea with one simple click.

Bootstrap Operation

Reward team with equity for early business progression.


One simple click for you
One giant step for your business!

Discussing Business Ideas

Join a community of entrepreneurs to debate opportunities, share ideas, and partner up to start new businesses.

Launch Business in Seconds

Easily turn your idea into a fully equipped business with a few questions and a simple click.

Hire Help with Equity

Lower your initial business costs with employment by compensating your team with equity upon assignment completion.


Gamified Experience
help you snowball progress

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Gamify begins with you in the center.

View, manage and sort all your organization activities easily on blockchain. Some might say it's easier than all current products on the market.

  • Smart by design
  • Easy Management
  • Instantly sync banks & financial institutions
  • Multiple products with dedicated purpose.
  • Free to use
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